So since my arrival here waaaay back about twos of weeks ago, I have made it my number one priority to find spa services. Let me correct that, suitable spa services. And after two grueling weeks, I am happy to report that I have found one (maybe).
It is called the Paris Beauty Saloon (which can be confusing frankly, I was all prepared to put on some cowboy boots and a big ole hat before I sauntered in there; however, no need! It was a typo.)
One of these days I think I will probably do a post of all the hilarious translation typos I run into on a daily basis. Honestly, you'd think I'd be more mature -- especially because you KNOW I'm totally throwing out random Arabic words that I know, and never at a proper time during the conversation -- OR, my all time favorite thing to do (and no, I cannot seem to stop myself) is to repeat a funky sounding word after they say it...then they tell me the meaning and I repeat it again....Am I learning Arabic? No. I'm just saying shit at random times. It has GOT to be annoying for them. But bless their little Sudanese hearts, they never call me on it or roll their eyes. (The same cannot be said for my American colleagues. I have been the recipient of more than one eye rolling. They will pay. Mark my words...I hold grudges.)
ANYWAY, they speak no English in this Saloon. They handed me a menu in Arabic (luckily the prices were in English - go figure! They know we're desperate). We proceeded to act out the entire laundry list of services -- of which threading (which in Arabic appears to be "bzreading" )of the entire face is apparently a popular option. I'm not quite sure if I am offended yet. The jury is still out on this one. I'm making the universal sign for eyebrows on my head with the culture transcending tweezer plucking motion and this lady is nodding, but indicating the whole face. Then, she proceeds to indicate waxing of arms and neck.
To the Sudanese, I am known as Sasquatch.
There was a lotta head shaking and clucking going on during this. Amazingly, beauty services transcend all languages. Especially when you have visual aids like a set of brows that are bordering on Sesame Street's Bert-esque. All cultures, in all languages know what needs to be done to fix this situation.
I am going to bring one of my Arabic speaking friends with me though...I'm not taking any chances! This is too sensitive an issue to rely on diplomacy alone.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
5 days ago
Just hold onto your panties. You don't know WHAT will happen....
I love the spelling errors in other countries. Mexico is special.
I've just decided to come HERE and kick some ass.
If only writing comments burned calories. I'd be one skinny bitch.
Oh dear, you better take an Arabic speaking friend with you. You just might end up with a unibrow and no hair on your head.
I'm bad, I know. The other thing I forgot to mention at my place is that you're supposed to notify the recipients with a comment on their blog. Oops. 24 was on. Nuff said.
So this is me, notifying you. Late.
To get the award, you can right click and save as an image to you 'puter. Then you can just copy and paste it into your blog. Email me if you have problems or questions. Enjoy. I love your blog.
Sasquatch. Hmmmm... There are worse names, I suppose (although at the moment I can't think of any). When I go to my salon, they always want to tackle the hair on my upper lip. It truly makes me paranoid. Do I have a blonde Groucho going on? My husband swears I don't. I'm just not sure I can trust him.
Vodka Mom's advice is good. Hold on to your panties!
Hey, I featured you on my blog today. Just for the hell of it. I hope this won't mean that God is smoting you again.
Be VERY careful... you know how 'they' like hairless women!
Have seen some really great typos in my day and your saloon one now rests in my Top Ten!
One day you'll be able to say you had a Sudanese spa day. COOL.
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