I shit you not, I totally used to say that to my mom. It never worked, but I still submit to you that it is a VALID argument. Goes hand in hand with my other mottos -- for problem solving: "ignore it and hope it goes away," for work: "Why the hell would you do your own work if you can (a) find someone else dumb enough to do it for you; and/or (b) find someone who has already done it before and just copy/paste and change happy to glad." which totally goes hand in hand with my other Life- lesson to live by: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
THEREFORE, I clearly know what I am saying when I say that this might be fun - or could be hideously awkward and ruin everything -- could go either way.
So you know how I'm coming home to DC for a TDY (temporary duty - I've really been remiss in my acronym educational program lately) in July, right?? Well...it has been suggested (and I have agreed to this suggestion) that we try to meet up. (In DC of course because that is convenient to me and I'm waay to lazy to go anywhere else and (inherent in the TDY part of my trip) I have to work while I'm there. I KNOW, Outrage, right?)
As such, I was thinking we should meet up at the Cheesecake Factory in Tyson's Corner, VA (which is right outside of DC not too far from Dulles Airport) - because it has always been a dream of mine -- not to really meet you guys, but to go to Cheesecake Factory again!
I've already made plans to meet a few of the ones who live in DC, but thought I would open it up to others if they happen to be in the neighborhood at that time too. PLUS, this particular Cheesecake Factory happens to be located in the Galleria Mall (which I like to call the Gucci mall because it houses places like Needless Markup (Neiman Marcus) and some other stores that when I walk in, the sales lady hovers to make sure I don't try to touch any of the merchandise. HOWEVER, right across the street is Tysons I - for my people. The poor people on a government salary.
Minoy has already agreed to go as well - and even though she doesn't have her own blog - she does like to post her blogs in my comment section. What's not to love!?!
So come on! We'll have our own little blog-camp; a pre-BlogHer event. All the cool kids are doing it!!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
5 days ago
I would love to go, but it is about a 5 hour drive, let me know when, it is iffy but I would still love to go, and I hate cheesecake, so you should feel special!
I wish I could go! It would be so great to go to the Cheesecake Factory. Oh, and to meet you, too.
Dang it! I never get to do what the cool kids are doing. My mother succeeded at making me a square peg!
I would love to meet you and the other guys there... what date are you talking about? Like Otin, I'm about 5 hours away and that's a long drive with me and my back but I might consider it depending on the 'when' and if it doesn't conflict with already scheduled plans.
Date! Give me a date!!!
oh shit so you're not coming to boca?
I cannot believe people are planning to drive 5 hours for this. Guys! It's just cheesecake, not a male striptease or anything.
I'm in, by the way. Because I'm the one who suggested it. Which makes me the coolest...
aaargh..your safe I just made that trip to va. and from here to that part is almost a 24 hour drive..!
I feel so friggin' left out, jealous, and unhappy with the world right now.
But as I said in my email, I will immediately begin plans to become the center of attention even though I cannot be there for the actual event. I'm thinking I'll have Blognut buttons made and you can all wear them for a quick photo.
If I didn't live on the other side of the continent and in another country I'd totally be there. For the cheesecake.
Except that my passport lapsed and I can't get into your country anymore without one since my people have been deemed some sort of security risk to the United States.
Left something for you over at my place. Hope you can pick it up soon.
Email me again when this is?? Maybe, I will trick my youngest into the car with me. I can leave the oldest alone. My younger sister lives just a short distance from there. I could actually just send her for me. She looks just like me.
... and my sister would love to see me too!!!
Checking that date you sent right now! I think it's a winner!
What's the date??? I will be in the Dulles area August 5 and August 11.
Have you made a firm date yet???
My sister in law lives in ....um......well...20 minutes from Dulles...
Awww Mannnnn, I wish I was one of the cool kids, I would so be there! But no, I'm stuck in the other Washington. Crap!
Rats! I want to be a cool kid, too. However, I live too far away. Your mission is now to get a picture of all the cool kids and show it to me when you can. Also, you must eat something delicious for me while you are at the Cheesecake Factory.
Mrs. M.
Ack! You will be on the wrong side of the country for me. That would be a really l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong drive for me. :)
I think you should coordinate with Braja, who's also visiting the U.S. of A. soon, and maybe we could get in some yoga with our cheesecake. I think that will pass smote muster, don't you?
Hmmm... I'm trying to make this work, but the planets are not in proper alignment... I'm still workin' on it, though...
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