Okay, so I distinctly left a post noting that I was going to be going away for a few days for a mini-vacay in Dubai, right?? We had a social contract people!! A social contract that the blogging world will STOP until I return! And you guys SHAMELESSLY broke it.
What part of that was unclear????
I come back home thinking to myself, "Oh! I'm tired after that flight....but I have GOT to let everyone know that I am back because I'm sure they've been bored waiting for my return" (Do you SEE how selfless and giving I am?? It almost brings a tear to my eye!?)
Anyway, now you're just going to have to manage to find a way to go on without knowing what I think about what you wrote or how your opinions were "WRONG and here is why!" If you can all LIVE with that...then FINE!
Speaking of me....(and in case you haven't noticed, we always are)...just a few highlights for you:
I'm too tired to click that button that uploads photos - and I pretty much took like 4 of them. Let's face it...I was either drinking Vodka that I bought in the duty free area in my hotel room and/or I was at some mall or another
Which reminds me, if Josh asks, someone else charged up all that shit at the Dubai Malls....someone who wasn't really sure how much shit costs there because the UAE Dingo (which I believe is their official currency) had like 3.63 of them in each dollar (OR, it was the other way around, I can never be sure...but does that REALLY matter?? I mean, REALLY??) HOWEVER, it was the "off season" (hence the deal we got on the hotel room) so they had a BUNCH of sales at the mall...so whatever I bought - at whatever price it actually turned out to be - was 70% off!? Or, UP TO 70% off...same diff??? It was complicated.
Math is hard.
SOOOO anyway, other than that AWKWARD night where Christina and I apparently drank waay too much Vodka after a dinner with a lotta wine (you have no idea how exciting it is to actually drink a glass of wine out of a wine glass in public at a restaurant - you'd pay $90 for a cheap bottle too! TRUST ME) and then we got back to the hotel room and both agreed that YES, it WAS worth $30 to order Mama Mia! on pay per view and then proceeded to sing it at the top of our lungs until the Russian Mobsters and their respective hookers in the room next door pounded on the walls to let us know that Abba is NOT as popular in Russia - We had a GREAT time.
I will try to post pics later. Although, if you guys wanted a travel post - you're bound to be disappointed. However, I did take pics of the mall.
It's my way.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
5 days ago
How about some pics of the awesome stuff you bought??? Please tell me that you did not just bought ordinary American shit!!!! I do not want to see a pair of our jeans.
You had to have had a lot of booze if you think paying that much for Mama Mia was woth it! Then again disturbing the Russian Mobsters and their molls, was probably very worth it.
Glad you are back safe!
Dude, I know exactly how you feel! I expected the blogging world to sit back and patiently await my return, and THEY DID NOT DO IT.
Perhaps if you had not posted 6 times while I was away, they would have noticed the trend (where blogging stops until all key personnel are present and accounted for) and they would have respected your absence, too.
Instead, I returned to find about 714 unread posts and I did the best I could until the stress was just too much and I almost shit myself (because, Dude, I went to Mexico and the track was already greased). Then I clicked 'mark all as read' in my reader and all is right with the world.
Math is super hard.
I thought the blogging world stopped whenever I wasn't online as well...weird that it doesnt.
Yes, photos of stuff of Dubai please...
Well, I defniitely think $30 for Mama Mia is worth it when you can't even rent it in the country you're currently living in; I mean, let's face it, you'd probably pay $20 to rent Dirty Dancing but of course that wouldn't even be available!
Glad to hear you had a great but short vacay but am also glad you're back 'cuz you were missed.
I'm with you; I expect everyone to go into suspended animation when I'm away!
I'm no good with foreign exchange, either. It's just money. (You like the "just" part?) Anyway, I'm glad you had fun. You should have invited the Russian mobsters over for the sing along, maybe they'd have brought more vodka!?
We considered closing down blogspot until you returned, but Hit 40 would have gone through blog withdrawl and it would have gotten ugly! Also, you and I are now the only 2 people that think U2 sucks!!!!
Welcome Back home too...LOL nope nobody stopped why I was gone too..funny thing is I thought most everybody was gone and wouldn't have to worry about being a lil behind..but hell no people just kept on writing. Oh, Well, like blognut I tried but good googly moogly there are a lot yous out there! Glad you had a great drinking & shopping vacation :-)
It might have cost you, but sounds like you sure know how to have fun.
I'm thinking you broke even. Unless you broke something else too, with all that drunk mall shopping.
And about U2, I . . . I . . . I don't care for them either. (cringing) D'ooohhhhh!! Is that bad? They do such good work!
Hey, do you have people telling you they tried to comment and couldn't? I have the same comment box as you (well, until this eve), and I get email from people who say they've tried a few times and it doesn't work for them.
I didn't get to blog this weekend. So, do I get a prize for following directions?
Remind me not to let you split the check if we get together.
Ummm....are you deleting my e-mail/blog postings?
Disregard, I apparently posted to a blog from last week...or....or you moved my email so that it would look like I posted to last Wed's entry. Either way, I demand you to respond.
Waiting for the pics. I enjoy living vicariously through you and pics help. I don't have that much imagination left...
As far as I'm concerned, the entire trip was worth it just to watch Mamma Mia in your hotel room and sing every damn song! You are my HERO!
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