SO, I had a really great vacay with Josh - went to visit his family and then to Boston for a long weekend - but have been banned from blogging about the trip (like that's gonna work)....however, in sum I give you the following:
-- I ate waaay too much on my vacation! SO, I have now started a diet (again) and have vowed to exercise regularly. As such, it is not a good time to piss me off (RIGHT PAUL!?) Suffice it to say that I'm not a very friendly person right now.
-- I drank waaaay too much! We stayed at this really ritzy hotel in downtown Boston right off the commons. They had a wine happy hour for guests and we (and Minoy and Theo) attended said happy hour. (It was FREE WINE PEOPLE! I had to go! It would have been rude!) I'm not positive what happened after that, but apparently (according to Josh and Theo) Minoy and I met this man who was staying there who claimed to be a plastic surgeon (although I kinda doubt his claim because he was waaay too nerdy - totally NOT Dr. 90210) and then we hounded him for botox, lipo and adderall. Josh said that at first he thought we were all charming and witty - and then I believe it quickly digressed into two crazy stalkers demanding Rx drugs. I think the hotel might have asked us to not come back.
-- I spent waaaay too much!! When we finally returned to DC, we found out that our bank stopped our credit card because they assumed there was credit card fraud going on. When I saw the statement and realized we had spent like $300 for a stupid dinner (but boy howdy! That was really yummy!) I considered claiming it WAS fraud. BIG FAT FRAUD...but I didn't (mostly because Josh was there).
AND and our return flights were delayed so I spent many hours in airports around PEOPLE - and you all know how I feel about that - GOD I hate other people!
However, I did take this picture of the Mass State house. Now I realize that Mass is a very progressive State, the first to allow Gay marriage (yaay! -- Yes! you heard me mom and dad! I said YAAY) however, I'm not sure I can really support that they have a special entrance for this. I mean, it just seems to be a bit too much in your face! (And yes, I am immature. We've already established this long ago. No need to comment on that!)
AND a pic of the view from our hotel room - there was another view of the park on the other side, but my photo turned out to pretty much be a picture of my reflection taking a picture. I am not sure how I did that; however, the view from the room was pretty fab. Josh has good hotel taste!
wooooohoooo she's back
First HA after all this time..YAYME... ooops sorry you had to leave Josh and your 5 star hotel...yep that's what I meant to say
Welcome back! That last picture is beautiful!
Great to have you back! OMG, I'm first!
Well shit, I was SURE I was first!
Anyway, glad you had a great time and why wouldn't you have since you were (a) back in the USA, (b) with Josh, (c) in ritzy hotels, (d) had regular TV like most of the rest of the world and, (d) could find anything you want to eat!
Awesome Picturs, Happy you are back..even though my name is not mentioned any where in here for being missed... LOL about the fraud dinner..ONLY could happen to YOU..! So, I am guessing you don't want me to mail this case of lil debbies too ya...okay then...more for me and more chocolate for me... good to have you back on line..I have missed you even though I understand it's just a one way street ;-)
uhmm Jane..NOyouAin't HA
Yes, that last picture is stunning . . . ugh, I can't even read about people drinking. Barf.
WTF!!! Medora even beat me to welcoming you back to blogland!!!
I need to google what a hooker entrance is...
I know it is not about sex. I'll be back.
Here is what I found:
United States general in the Union Army who was defeated at Chancellorsville by Robert E. Lee (1814-1879)
English theologian (1554-1600)
streetwalker: a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets
a golfer whose shots typically curve left (for right-handed golfers)
(rugby) the player in the middle of the front row of the scrum who tries to capture the ball with the foot
I doubt it is a special entrance for hookers or rugby players. This has perplexed me.
Did you smuggle in a crate of little debbies to tide you over?? Little Debbies are definitely diet food washed down with bacon vodka.
Was wondering where you were. Blogland has been quiet without you.
Hmmm! She goes off to see her man and comes back without any sarcasm or bitching?? It SURE is a mystery? LMAO! In all seriousnee, it was not the same without you around!!! :)
Dar may not cuss very often if ever on the blogs, but she sure isn't above blackmail to get her name out there.
love the wino botox stalking story and it sounds like you had waaayyyyy to much fun, all in all.
Oh goody, you're back. Here I thought you had gone all AWOL and assumed a new identity so as to not have to return to Sudan.
Glad you had fun.. I think you would be great to hang out with...
I think I gained weight and became poor just by reading this!
Glad you're home. I mean, back home in the blog world.
Check out Jack and Kernels blog, you will appreciate their last post!
Oh thank God almighty!!!! YOu are back! I have missed you sooo much! And the next time you take a picture of my grand entrance, make sure you get me and not just the boy waiting around at the sign please?!?!?!
And about that gay marriage thing, good for you. . . glad to hear you aren't too conservative. However, I have to ask, a special entrance? That is as ridiculous as marking the water fountains and bathrooms isn't it. . . . according to color. . . didn't this country get passed all that crap? NOT!!!! However, I think we shall. . . and in no way am I trying to compare the two subjects. I am just saying. . . and maybe trying to stir the pot a little bit!!!! Cause you know, it has been soooo long! Love you miss thang!
I was just thinking about you this evening as I was wiping the gunk out of my sink! Seriously! After dinner I was thinking about asking Otin where the heck you were and look, you're here! YAAY! But I don't think thats how you spell yaay. I'd spell it yea or hooray or something. But whatever. I'm glad you're back. And I'm glad you didn't kill anyone at the airport. AND I'm going to Boston in 2 wks... any suggestions?
I missed your snarky self. Awesome view from your hotel room.
Welcome back, you traveling ho! I know they that sign up there just for you because they didn't want you coming in the front door!
And seriously, nowhere in this blog post does it talk about how much you missed ME. I mean, you can miss Dar and all, but you know that I really need it to be all about me. 'Cause that's how I roll. ME ME ME!
Oh yeah, the Hooker place... I used to have a punch-card from there. Once you get 10 hookers the next one is free!
Awesome to have you back, and glad yo uhad such a great time. We went to Boston a couple of years ago and loved it. would love to go back.
Sorry, do I know you?
Hmmm....something familiar here....
Oh baby yeah how does that feel?! :))
I guess I should say welcome back and not mention that you've been writing to me privately, is that the done thing? Only I don't want Dar on my arse (that's English, ie; proper, for ass). Did I miss you? Absolutely.
dang Braja-make me feel like the redheaded step child I am... I am already loosing followers left and right.. dang why don't you just poor salt on me already!
I don't know any of you people any more!
AFTER all that and that plastic surgeonish guy didn't even give a coupon for botox?
I guess they're just proud of gay marriage! Love the hooker entrance photo.
Dar, wtf??? Are stepchildren redheaded? Cos I'm a redhead. I'm not a stepchild. I love you. :))
LOL yes stepchildren usually are redheaded thats how you know they don't belong... I am not only redheaded but an adopted redheaded stepchild...double wammmie ...LOL I know you do...I was pickin chicken
or that might be really considered three wammies
I'm so freakin' glad you're back.
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