I'm just wondering...because I'm not sure we're going to make it... Does anyone remember reading that part in the bible where they went over how to build an Ark? I'm guessing we're going to need one because it just started to rain again - must be global warming! Extended our rainy season to TWO days.
On the plus side, these 'Fugees now have water front property. I'm guessing they can sell for a tidy little profit.
good thing you got a supped up Toyota eh.. wow pretty muddy too where is the grass...LOL dang gina get some web feet ... or a boat!
first HA how the hell did that happen
also looks like they have no lanes over there wtf! hang on ...reaching for my hoho ;-p
that last picture is really sad!
Whooowheee! Monsoon season. Two whole days of raindrops pouring down with no place to go.
Beach front property! Nice! I bet the water smells great too!
Grrr. how come I cant comment? It's lost! I hate that...
looks like Houston.
Dear Michel,
All of my knowledge of the story of Noah comes from Bill Cosby. So I can tell you that when you DO build the ark, don't build it in your neighbor's driveway.
Looks like a great place! I especially love the beautiful shade of shit brown! LMAO!
With global weather changes who knows which property would become desirable.
I told you that sand on your roof would come in handy! See, now you really have beach property!
This looks like it totally sucks!!! If it were me I'd just lock myself in my house in front of my computer for a few day, with an oversize box of twinkies or something, and call in sick!! Just stay in blogland, where it is bright and sunny every day!
LOL Amy they don't have twinkies over there.. bawhahahaha SLAM Dunk Michel...
Excellent!! You can catch the fresh shrimp by casting a net right out of your window.
I am such a rat!! I will resist telling you about my yummy dinner :-) How's Ramadan going?
You may laugh at me... I have all the children coming on Wednesday!!! Two days of meetings before they show up. Yippee!!
The first step is to start looking for pairs of animals. Or is that the last step?
I never did get all that "thou" and "saith" speech stuff figured out in the Bible.
ok wtf is with commenting? i have to click almost three times (because it's really 2)- this is annoying me...but anyways go to my blog- you gots z prize
I'm not for ark building because...hello, lazy. However, I think you could get by with some water wings and an inner-tube if you can find someone to blow them up for you.
Oh, wait. I guess you could probably blow them up yourself with all that hot air you've got going on over there. :)
First of all, you need a new camera. All those photos look like they were taken under water. And you are in Sudan, so that can't be right!
Oh that sucks. Sucks I tell you.
I think they mentioned something about two bars per person....does that sound right? No? Ah hell....
Michel. . . . DO NOT DRINK THIS WATER! Get in the ark before the ship leaves the dock! Abandon the beach on the roof! Leave the zebra cakes and just jump in the boat!
So I'm AWOL for a few stinkin' days and you went and changed on me!! I seriously thought I had the wrong blog and that someone had hacked your page...! Ha!
Looks great!
I think you shoulda used my space girl, though, because that would show that you kick ass. :)
Insanity. You can't escape anytime soon?
Just wait til the snow arrives. Then we'll see who's laughing at all the Canada jokes.
Got raft?
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