Take for instance my strict adherence to the self-imposed rule, never go out on a school night. So my time management and lack of moderation flaws really managed to rear their ugly heads this weekend.
Seems I jam-packed my schedule. (Which really isn't like me, because I'm pretty lazy...) So now I have THREE days worth of crap to spout about and many of you are without my insightful and educational comments on your blogs. (I KNOW! It's a tragedy, frankly!)
Friday: Had dinner with some friends - former cops. Went over what to do in the invent I am charged with a crime. Let's face it. Its obviously only a matter of time before I turn to a life of crime. Chances are (because I'm not that bright and am hideously lazy) that I will likely get caught. Therefore, it's good information to have. Downside: I probably should have paid closer attention when they were talking. As it turns out, sometimes stuff can be helpful and interesting when it is NOT actually about me. (I was as shocked as many of you are myself!) (no photos, forgot camera. Hotel room was literally 10s of steps away from the restaurant. There was no way I was going back for it. I'm sure I'll remember what they look like....or their names....sure....)
Saturday: Met Otin and Hit40 (and her family) at Cheesecake. I TOTALLY HATED THEM.
Okay, so no I didn't. I really liked them, but it totally would have been a waaay better story if I had hated them and we ended up in a big ole cheesecake fistfight. Although, truth be told, there was a touchy moment there when Hit40 suggested that dessert be shared (!!) I was speechless that it was even suggested and was considering throwing my fork into her eyeball, but then I realized she was talking to Otin, not me, and then I calmed down.
Let me repeat (for safety reasons): I DO NOT SHARE! (see Josh and/or Liz for further details)
Sunday: I went to visit my babies!!! They are both REALLY happy (which was kinda insulting, frankly...Would it kill them to at least PRETEND like they were simply missing me the whole time!?!?) Naturally, Poods (aka Jack) was all excited and kissy at first, but then remembered that he was pissed at me for leaving him behind so he preceeded to ignore me for the rest of the visit. The boy hold grudges. (Where the hell does that come from??)
So at first, he would sit in the room near me, but with his back to me and would refuse to look at me. Then, he gave up and went to his bedroom (Alan gave him his own room so he could have the whole bed. Jack also doesn't like to share either). Jack pretty much said, "thanks for stopping by....you are dead to me." Had to force him to give me a kiss goodbye!
Jack is an ass.
Kernel on the other hand, was snuggly and lovey the whole time. One thing I forgot about him though: He is disgusting. The boy sheds, drools and puts slobbery toys in your lap, licks anything near him and likes to sit on top of me. I miss that guy. I don't miss his drooley mess.
Both of them are clearly spoiled rotten and live on 10 acres. They currently have better housing than I do.
And then Sunday night, I met up with a friend for drinks at 7 and didn't get in until almost 0100! Anyone that knows me, knows that I have two speeds when it comes to drinking: Stop, and Yahoo. I woke up this morning by the Grace of God frankly. And the July Miracle? I wasn't late for work!!!
Worst part about this trip so far: They are continuing to make me actually attend work and talk about work related things.
I think I've been pretty clear that I'm not really Work-ey. Must we go over this time and time again!?
oh you see I share desserts- just so I can say I really didn't have the dessert because someone else ate it all and I just had two bites (my bites consisting of Gulliver sized bites)
glad you're having a good time with friends!
Michel I laughed out loud when I read you hated them..It's a wonder you didn't stab hit 40 anyway just in case she eyed your dessert..LOL
So, with all this visiting of cops, bloggers and drinking buddies, oh and puddy dogs...Well the hell is Josh, one question DID he get ANY.. damn woman! Poor Josh, I feel sorry for him, waiting all this time for you... but noooooOOOO you have your own idea of how to plan YOUR vacation time!
You gots some smoting coming woman...
oh one more question is Hit 40 real or stuffed I swear that is the same picture with you in it instead of otin...did Braja teach you how to photo shop or what...
You should definitely offer to share desserts so that you can order multiple things (one dessert per person) and then take huge-ass bites out of everyone else's dessert and then pretend to sneeze all over yours. That way you get the best of everything and you don't really have to share at all.
ps jack is giving you the rudey non look
by the way where is your blog frog?
i dont like to share. Its not really about getting MORE for me, its about finding other people's forks and spoons gross. I am really obsessive compulsive about that. (is also a little bit about getting MORE for me)
Sharing is so overrated, even in Chinese restaurants. If you choose something because you like it, why do you just get one small helping?
I'm with you. Must convince others of the disadvantages.
did I miss another party?
Come on people, I can be fun, too!!
I admit, I am a sharer. It's from a lifetime of working my ass off at the gym so that it doesn't become the size of Jupiter. I'd rather take 3 or 4 bites of a dessert shared with my friends than be totally deprived. I will eat the whole thing if you force me, but really I feel better about myself if I only eat part of the dessert.
However, leave my efn wine alone biotch cuz I WILL stab you for that.
Your babies are so so cute. I love that you don't share, that just cracks me up for some reason.
Michel, I think Jack is related to my Chloe. She will sit with her back to me when she is upset with me. Usually when I'm leaving... with the suitcase. Coming back she forgets that she was mad. She's just thankful I came back.
Doesn't it just chap your butt when someone reaches over and sticks a fork in your plate, dessert or meal... it is just irritating. Especially when you are at a buffet. It's not like the place ran out of that particular item, go get your own dang cabbage or chocolate cake or whatever for cripes sake.
Time management and work related stuff... pfffttt. You might as well hang it up. If you haven't got it by now or have your "staff" at work trained yet, good luck. Really. From someone who knows...
See, Jack's problem with you -- I really hate to be the one to tell you -- is that -- truly, it pains me to say this -- you are his -- I'm so sorry, please sit down and brace yourself -- loving master and yet -- are you okay? Do you need a drink -- how often do you leave comments on his blog?
I'm sorry. Somebody had to say it.
P.S. Blognut has the right idea about the dessert. I sneeze all over mine all the time, and ask me how often I share?!
We should of had a food fight! LOL! You were so damned bitchy! (Work with me here, I am trying not to blow your image!) :)
Sharing should stop after preschool. You learn it, you know it - after that, it should be optional. Sure, if you don't share, others won't share with you, but that is up to you.
Eileen just wants everyone else's stuff.
Just too much food!! Who can eat all of it?
I used to take the ice cream bars out of the freezer lick each one and put them back. MINE ALL MINE!!!! I wonder why my older sister doesn't talk to me??
Your doggies are adorable. Wonderful that you were able to check up on them.
Michel, it sounds like you are getting to see people, dog babies and catch up. That is wonderful. . . now about this partying late and getting up, dressed and to work on time, that is a pure-tee miracle! Either a)God came back and I missed it or b)he has decided NOT to smote you and has shined upon you. I'm going with B for $200 please!
I am still hating the fact that I had to miss that cheesecake factory experience! GRRRR. . . . that was my growl. . . for when I have missed out on something fun!
No one ordered the dinner salad, did they? That would be a shame at the Cheesecake Factory. Sharing? Kidding?
I've yet to meet another blogger. Well, except my mom and sister, but I'd gladly stab either one of them in the eye over dessert too.
Without your "insightful and educational comments" I've been at a loss this week, wandering aimlessly around the street kicking rubbish about.
I knew that they would remember!
just catching up for the week - you are still soo funny! :-)
I ABSOLUTELY do NOT share my food, no way, no how, with no one including my grandkids!
Darsden is right, that pic of Eileen and Otin is so exactly like the one with Eileen and you; no way it wasn't photoshopped, don't even try to convince me otherwise!
Jack and Kernel are so adorable! They'll forgive you... eventually.
Sounds like you drink like I drink!!
And love the dog reaction!! I got dissed yesterday by a wiener. At least that didn't happen to you!!
Hallie :)
am still wishing I would have made it to the cheesecake factory. Although not sure if I would have wanted to see what went down when Hit40 mentioned sharing. Good thing she was talking to Otin.
'' I MUST have some strengths'' - put 'super bloggo entertainer' in your strengths column.
I'm with Mrs. K on dessert sharing. I take no responsibility for ordering or eating dessert........my "date" did it.
So jealous that you got to meet bloggy friends. Love it. Did someone mention Josh was there? How on earth did you fit him into that busy schedule?
I don't share either. Dogs can be vindictive if they so choose, my sister's dog does the same thing.
Ok, so someone on Midlife Slices siad she needed to call me at MY job (911) because of her rant. Don't make anyone else call me because of your evil partying cheesecake eating doggie kissing ways, woman. I gots way too much work to do today!
Alright. I'm a little jealous that you got to meet some fellow bloggers. Why is it that no one visits the farm lands of Georgia? There is grass we could watch growing.
And I know how to make cheesecake.
Wait...what happened to Josh during all this activity? You didn't stab him with a fork, did you? ;)
Oh, man. Now there are pictures of the cool kids, too?! How did I not make it :( I'm glad no one got hurt when Hit40 made that ridiculous suggestion to share!
And your babies are GORGEOUS.
Hey, its sounds like you had a great vacation, even if you had to work some of the time. I'm jealous as well that you got to meet Otin and Hit40, would have loved in on that gathering :). Maybe next time.
That's a great pic of you and the pups, they look healthy and happy, it must have been hard leaving them, but like you said they have better living conditions than you, ahhhh.
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