Wow, you stop posting for a little while and you miss SOOO much!!! (Yes, I do realize that I have not posted in over a year, but still...define "a little while".... it's obviously open to interpretation!!! )
-- I went through the comment moderation queue and apparently, this site is EXTREMELY helpful to a lotta people's college papers. I'm not really sure what it is they are studying, but I'm guessing they're probably not going to be that successful in today's job market after having graduated in whatever career training that could possibly be enriched by my rants -- but then, I fully admit that I haven't been to college in a long time and maybe it's all different now. Maybe people learn using examples of what NOT to do rather than math and stupid science like they made me do! Lame.
-- And if the comments are to be believed, this blog is also apparently very popular in China! And also with escort services. They totally like my work and leave a lot of comments. Little known fact, escort service workers are very loyal readers. We may have judged them too harshly. Clearly, I must have said something that would draw the escort services -- and their potential clients here. I'm like a match made in heaven for them. You are welcome!!! One guy asked if I could tell him how he could find an escort service in Israel, because he was headed there for vacation. I can't. However, I think you would have more success using google, rather than a blog - but that's just how I would find one if I were going to look for one in Israel. I mean, it's how I found the guy who's coming over to fix the trim on the house. Google. I highly recommend it!! So much more helpful (and timely) than I am.
-- One commenter, "Zack" is dismayed that I could potentially really be a USG employee representing the U.S. of A abroad -- in fact, he is disgusted that our government would let me work in it's hallowed ranks and can see why our government and the whole country is basically a mess. Although Zack has a point, I would just like to note that if Zack thinks this blog is what is wrong with our government and our country, I really have to recommend he branch out and do some other reading. However, after thinking about it for a while, I realized that Zack is right. This blog IS exactly why our country is a mess and our foreign policy is a total disaster. Zack is right. It was me. I have thought up every bad decision this country has ever made since 1997. My bad. Sorry America.
-- "Anonymous" thinks this blog is a poorly written rant and they couldn't even finish reading the post! I can only image they had to cover their mouth so they didn't throw up all over the key board while they scrolled down to the bottom to write their comment...oh wait. I'm rambling again. Anonymous is right. Damnitt! Now I'm never going to help anyone's college paper! NOW WHAT!?!
Other than that, I've been working, driving to work, then working, then my husband asked for a divorce, so I wallowed in self pity while I was working getting stuck in traffic, working, hating working, working and then last weekend -- I had to work. Yeah. It's been a sucky year. You should be thankful I wasn't here blathering on about THAT... Zack would have been outraged!!!
A little celebration.:)
2 days ago
Well, I for one, am glad you're back. Zack needs to find something else to do. Perhaps if HE worked for the gov't things would be all sunshine and rainbows and you could just sit back and drink (which is not a bad idea regardless of what Zack does).
I'd like to read those college papers you've helped with. Imagine it, shaping the minds of the future! Oh, wait, now the problems of the US really might be your fault.
I'm sorry to hear about your and your xdh.
You're alive! I'm so glad.
Also, Zack and Anonymous are dumb.
Have a nice day!
I always knew it was your fault!!!lol
Obviously, he wanted the divorce because he no longer wants to be associated with your detrimental effect on American foreign policy. I, for one, am glad to finally know just who is behind the mess this country has gotten into. "Facts are Optional - destroying civilization since 1997" - what a great new tagline!
aha! i knew it! it had NOTHING to do with the blathering dipshidiots in the white house and the hallowed halls of congress! it was YOUR blog that totally screwed up the country. hell, the world! you should get a nobel peace prize! or maybe a piece prize? (kidding)
smiles, bee
yey so glad you are back!!!! can't wait to hear more stories! :) x 1k
Glad you are back to writing. Sorry to her about your split with your husband. His lost!
well what the hell? a divorce? doesn't he know you have world peace to deal with?? sad to hear that...but glad to see you are back!! :)
Sorry to hear about your divorcement troubles. But I'm pretty sure that's even less my fault than our messy government is yours.
Escort services? Really!!???
Sorry you've had such a rough year. Not fun. But we are happy to have you back!
Hard to be wipe-your-eyes funny when life is trampling all over you. Zack's loss. Truly, welcome back!
I am so glad you are back to the blog world! Where are you at now?
Sorry to hear about the split, that has to suck. Zack is entitled to his opinion even if it is stupid. I, for one,am glad to have you back. Could have used your dark humor after the Christchurch Earthquake when I went temporarily insane, but better late than never. You may want to scale back on the pets though, I've seen animal hoarders, it ain't pretty.
what a DOUCHET! - enough said on the husband and the zack ..
your blog is a random bit of heaven our whole office adores we have missed your whitty rants and wonderful humor!
you have truly been missed!
your smart, savy and beautiful go forth and kick some ass and then type it all up so we may drool over your exciting life!
Just popped over here to check, and YOU'RE BACK!
You know, I had to drink all that Bakon vodka by myself last Christmas... so if you come this way again...seriously, you need to call me. I really don't need to be a lush.
At least not by myself.
Somehow I missed the part about the d.i.v.o.r.c.e.... I'm so sorry.
See - you really do need to come by for martinis.
Finally!!! A whole year - don't ever leave us like that again!
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