However, I called Paul today at work in DC and ensured that he was FEELING MY PAIN. So that made a lot of the below much, MUCH better!! Because he knows that I suck and has now realized that he probably shouldn't have left me in charge! That was poor planning on your part, mister!
However, may I state right here for all you US cits out there - foreigners may go get a snack for this lecture - just because you are a US citizen does not mean you have the God given right to tour the closest US Embassy. I gotta tell you that I
cannot recommend that you storm up to the local guards and start demanding to be let in because "You're a US Citizen damnitt! And you have your rights!!"
You just might get me for a POC....(and I think we all know what that means) Newsflash! You actually
don't have any rights in Sudan...write that down...
But THIS is not why I suck - this is why
my job sucks. (Two totally different things)
Reasons I suck:
(1) I totally promised to help out Hallie so that I could get (God)credit for being a better person by relying on YOU GUYS being the better people...and then I immediately forgot to post it! (because I'm obviously not a good person --DOOY! KEEP UP! Would you?!)
So anyway,
Hallie is doing a fund raiser - And before I go on with this, PROMISE ME NOW!! Nobody tell Josh there is $600 worth of camping equipment up for grabs or he will enter the raffle 722 times and claim he won. Seriously, the man thinks he wins shit on eBay - no matter how many times I point out that he is just the idiot that was willing to pay the most for it...(methinks the guy who sold it won...)
ANYWAY, it's for a great cause - so if you CAN - and you have the TIME - and you are not a hollowed out shell of a human being, bitter, broken and dead inside, fit only to walk the streets at night when nobody else is around, you should go to and help her out. Her dad received a new heart and this is her way of giving back. PLUS, she claims (and I cannot verify these claims because I'm too lazy to do so) that prizes totaling over $3,000.00 are up for grabs!
Wait....on second thought - never mind... I'm sure
someone more deserving who may or may not need to head over there and go win that shit -- and then promptly sell it on eBay to pay for their last shopping spree in Dubai -- will likely be a shoe-in for the prizes. It's probably not worth your time to join the raffle; You should just go donate to the cause and call it a day. I'm just saying, I'm here for you.....
I DO suck.(2) Remember how my blinds were all freaking me out because they were moving? Well, I figured out what it was - and it is reason number 2 why I suck and why you should NEVER trust me with anything you cherish.
Okay, so I'm babysitting Papaya, right? He's the stray kitty of a guy here at the Embassy who went on leave, but Papaya is pretty much feral and runs away in terror whenever I would come near him. So basically, my duties are to (a) put out food; (b) give him water; (c) tell housekeeper we have a kitty for next three weeks, so clean that litter box biatch; and (d) try to pet said kitty.
I totally forgot I had a kitty!It was the KITTY behind the blinds (they are vertical to the floor) chasing after them because the AC was moving them - then kitty starts them flapping. So of course I
assume that Satan is in my house (WHICH I TOTALLY CONTEND IS A NATURAL ASSUMPTION) and grab my 'puter and lock myself into my bedroom.
It totally could have happened to anyone. However, I now think that kitty might be a bit traumatized because he is acting all friendly now and making it known that he is in the house. Nobody panic and please stop googling the number for PETA - kitty did have food, water, and kitty box! Plus, I "found" him this morning before I went to work when he attacked me as I walked down the stairs (kitty's a little bit of an ass). And, we have a housekeeper whom I PAY to remember that I have a kitty...'s all good....right??
Right KITTY??I gotta tell you, now that he is not running away in terror, kitty is kinda cute now - but he is SERIOUSLY a bad kitty!! He's into everything -- and I don't even HAVE anything! Honestly, he might be a little bit crazy and/or Satan's Little Helper:

This is not camera lighting - his eyes are glowing right now - okay, so he's napping in the chair now, but he WAS shredding it with his claws just a minute ago and I was kinda too scared (and guilty feeling) to stop him....there is that....

If you don't hear from me again, you'll know its because Kitty totally ate my computer connection. Seriously... I wouldn't put it past him.
Sheesh! Kitties hold such grudges! It's frankly unattractive.