And then the crushing disappointment sets in when you realize that I can't take pics to save my life. let's get right to it! THESE are the babies!

Are they not the cutest, little, grungiest (and somehow fattest) puppies EVER!? Of course, they are greasy and have ticks all over them...but I still love them.

Are they not the cutest, little, grungiest (and somehow fattest) puppies EVER!? Of course, they are greasy and have ticks all over them...but I still love them.
Josh, you can rest easy -- the local guards won't let me take them...they said that maybe they will let them come into the housing compound...maybe.... but they were worried about them falling into the pool (I'm thinking it might actually be nice for them to be able to swim -- perhaps clean up a tad...I'm just saying puppies...a little personal hygeine will go a long way!)
Jesus would want me to have it.
Fruit stand. (pics are small, I know - I'd be here all night trying to upload them if they were normal sized.....sorry man!) However, fruit here is tiny (so photo pretty much represents actual size) and not so yummy, as it turns out.
We took these as I drove was not easy, we literally created traffic jams as I slowed to a crawl to take the pics...Right now, there are probably some Sudanese drivers who are just now getting over their road rage in the city out there somewhere. I should probably stay out of the downtown area for a bit to let it settle....
I think I've been pretty clear about how I feel about Nature touching me....