It has come to my attention that you have "fixed" the dryer in my residence. I sincerely appreciate your assistance in this regard, however, I would like to note that my dryer was not broken. Rather, it was the washing machine. As I specified in the work order I submitted approximately 3 weeks ago, wherein I included the technical description of the problem that the middle thingey is not spinning in the spin cycle. I guess I should also clarify that the miggle thingey is also not spinning during the wash cycle. As a result, the clothes do not actually wash so much as soak up water and make laundry soap crystals on the clothing.
I would also like to bring to your attention that my dryer no longer works after you fixed it. Although I fully admit I am not a qualified washer/dryer repairman, perhaps the dryer did not need a middle thingey to be fixed? But this is just a guess on my part.
In addition, I would like to just raise a few more issues for you to consider when you finally do come to my residence to repair both the washer and the dryer:
* When I commented that the AC in the bedroom does not cool the upstairs, I was not asking you to send someone over to turn down the main thermostat to 42 degrees farenheit in order to cool the bedroom. Granted, the bedroom was markedly cooler; however, there were snow flurries in the living room. Perhaps we could come to a better solution?
* When I asked someone to check out the AC splitpack unit in the kitchen because I thought there was a bird or something equally scary running around inside it, I did not mean for you to simply plug up the hole on the outside. What I wanted, and perhaps I should have been more clear, was for you to remove said animal from INSIDE the unit and THEN plug up the hole. Please return soonest to remove the AC Monster (because God only knows what part of Africa got in there when we weren't looking) before it DIES in there and I demand a new house because this one will be too yucky to live in anymore.
* My request for storage for towels and soaps has been filled. However, for your future reference, pretty much nobody puts a dresser in a bathroom these days. Perhaps you should consider other storage options? I hear IKEA has some nifty options that can be easily assembled by someone who is not me.
Once again, I appreciate your continued assistance in this regard and look forward to your new and half-assed solutions to my housing needs.
Best regards,
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
You are so Hilarious... dang unplug that hole yourself and let that lil God's critter out!!
I don't know how you make it through the day!
Poor Michel, with a washing machine that doesn't work. Did you translate this memo for the Management? Or what?
It sounds like some top notch repairmen at work. Maybe they don't have to actually learn how to fix shit because people usually just get frustrated and give up asking.
Complaints, complaints, complaints. Geez, are you ever happy?
Threaten to bring back the dingos.
Put some ice in the dryer and run it with no door on it and you will have an air conditioner!!! lol
There you go again, looking for Military Intelligence!
Snow? In your living room? In Sudan? Some would consider that a win/win situation!
My washer is broken too and the guy came to fix it friday and he ordered a part for it that wasn't broken! He must work for the GSO. Now it'll be tueday before it's "fixed"
At least YOUR husband isn't a repairman. Can you get my husband a job? The GSO ounds like steady work, and I hear Sudan is a nice place to live.
I certainly hope the repairman gets things straight! I am equally curious about what "critter/s" one might find in your A/C keep us posted.
I don't think you are asking too much.
xo, Mango
what a nightmare...come on by the respite and relax...oh wait...not every relaxing over there at the moment...HA HA
much love
I just stopped over for for fresh towels and a mint.
OMG, tell them to get that African creature out of the hole they plugged up! When we firt moved here, a bird or squirrel or something got into one of the holes in the eaves (before they were repaired) and dropped down in my outside bedroom wall. Horrors! I listend to it tap, tap, tapping on that damn wall for at least a week before it succumbed to what I'm sure was a ghastly death! Trust me, you do NOT want to live thru that!
Kudos to you for knowing what an AC splitpack is. And they just built an IKEA near me. I can't stay out of it, even though I can't build that crap to save my life.
I've learned to tape up full 8 1/2 X 11 sheet notes written in black marker with easy to follow instructions such as
for the contract workers I hire. It's been remarkably effective.
Also: Dear Chilean cleaning lady. When I asked you to clean the fingerprints off the door near the handle, it would have been OK for you to clean the entire door once you realized that wiping near the handle left a 9" radius of pure white that jumped out in strong contrast to the dingy brown of the rest of the door. It's funny what a wood-burning stove inside the house can do to white doors, isn't it? Please clean the remainder of the door and clean all the other doors of the house. Thank you.
PS That brush you've been using to scrub the toilet? That's the one I use for cleaning vegetables. No, that's OK. Don't put it back in the kitchen. I won't be using it for food any more.
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