So we've returned to Khartoum. I gotta tell you, flying back to Khartoum is not as much fun as flying out of Khartoum. I'm not sure why really...well, yes I am. Although the people are super nice, and shockingly unsmelly overall, when you leave here, you realize everything it does not have. Things like Starbucks, paved roads with rules that people actually follow, and grass. You know, important stuff you never really realized was important until you see otherwise.
Anyway, so we spent a week on the beach in Abu Dhabi, and when I say "we" I mean "Me" - Josh was all busy, claiming he needed to "get ready" for the triathlon he signed up for....Naturally, I was supportive and helpful with his preparations. I pointed out that it was 120 degrees outside and that I was waaaay hot from walking back to the resort from the beach. Then (because I am saintly and giving) I told him that although it was very likely that he was going to die if he tried to swim, bike and run in the Arab Emirates for over 8 hours, that I really hoped he lived -- but if he didn't I intended to clean out the mini-bar because I'm sure they would give me the giant kit kat bar out of pity.
I know, right?? My dedication to my wifelyness is inspiring.
Anyway, Josh did not die...and in fact, he did really well on the race. Finished in 8 hours and 35 minutes. Not too shabby. Me? I brought my kindle and sat on the sidelines on the off chance that he might run by me....I was exhausted! And then we go sushi and it was all better!
So then we returned to Khartoum. Welcome to Haboob Season. I'd post a picture, but I seem to have run down my batteries on my camera and "misplaced" the charger (and I'm too lazy to go look for it). Anyway, we're back now, in the land that the mail fairy seemed to have lost and the dirt fairy found.
It's going to take me a bit to get over the post-vacation funk.....bear with me!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
It would take me 8 days to finish that thing. My hats off to him and to you for your stellar "wifyness" =-)
OMG, I can't believe the traumatic things you go though for this man.
swimming with sharks,(HAMMERHEADS!!) you could have been eaten... do you have life insurence? Do you think maybe he's trying to kill you!! Just think about it... No Starbucks!! no pizza hut, can't just run to the store for an emergency Little Debbies snack cake, soap to wash your hands in the bathroom, toilet paper,scratchy sheets.. no egyptian cotton...sea-sickness, cannibals from west virginia, and now 120 degrees? MY GOD!!! your a princess! WTF!!! cut him out of the will before he tries again.
You are the most hilarious thing ever!
Sorry you had to leave behind the Starbucks, rules that people follow, and the grass!
I remember coming back from vacation when I was in Jerusalem and feeling like people were cursing me when they said "welcome back."
And speaking of rules, when I came back for training, I nearly cried when people knew how to get in a line.
You could be a stripper if you want a free kit kat bar. When I went to a strip club I saw a guy give a stripper a kit kat, he was serious about it too.
Also - way to go on being a supportive wife! 8 hours 35 minutes is an awesome time!
You could be a stripper if you want a free kit kat bar. When I went to a strip club I saw a guy give a stripper a kit kat, he was serious about it too.
Also - way to go on being a supportive wife! 8 hours 35 minutes is an awesome time!
stupid blogger, it hit the post button and it didn't do anything so i clicked it again and of course now i have two of the same comments which resulted in me leaving a third (but different) comment.
Thank goodness you didn't get any contagious diseases like sunalota fever or catchupawork cough.
Me, I've had bronchitis for 2 1/2 weeks now and I'm thinking I could use some sun. :)
Glad you're back!
Congratulations to Josh that's awesome and for you for enduring all you had to go through ;-)
You? Are positively selfless.
Josh does realize that you're quite a treasure, right? Where else would he find a wife who put herself out the way you do? Honestly, there should some sort of an award for you.
Aside from sleeping, I can't imagine anything I'd want to do for eight hours straight.
I think you are the epitome of superb wifelyness.
Did you EVER get my damn treats?? If not I'm calling your damn government. I bet they ate them!
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